The performance data listed below are calculated for a scrap car tires recycling plant. The following comparison describes different plant sizes and therefore capacities. The values given are guidelines on basis of 332 operation days per year (corresponds to a capacity utilization of the plant of around 91%). The calculations are based on a worst-case scenario.


Unit 3 Modules 8 Modules 17 Modules
Input Material
Scrap car tires mt 2 400 6 400 13 500
Production (primary)
BERAHN®-Carbon mt 960 2 600 5 400
Steel mt 450 1 200 2 600
BERAHN®-Oil mt 790 2 100 4 500
BERAHN®-Gas Nm³ 280 740 1 600
Production (secondary)
1) Maximum power production (utilization of entire oil)
Power production (total) MWhel 3 940 10 480 22 300
Power consumption of plant MWhel 2 000 4 680 9 500
Surplus power (for sale) MWhel 1 940 5 800 12 800
Heat production
Heat production (total) MWhel 4 200 11 200 23 800
Heat consumption of the plant MWhel 360 960 2 000
Surplus heat (for sale) MWhel 3 840 10 240 21 800
2) Minimal Power Production
Power production (total) MWhel 2 000 4 680 9 500
Power consumption of plant MWhel 2 000 4 680 9 500
Surplus BERAHN®-Oil (for sale) mt 390 1 170 2 570
Heat production MWhel 2 140 5 000 10 150
Heat consumption of the plant MWhel 360 960 2 000
Surplus heat (for sale) MWhel 1 780 4 040 8 150
Building requirements
Production hall m2 1 500 2 000 2 700
Clear height of building m 6

(9 m clear height in an area of 20 m2)

Real estate m2 5 000 9 000 12 000
Infrastructural connections
  • appropriate power supply
  • if power is sold: appropriate connection to feed in the power
  • if heat is sold: appropriate connection to feed in the heat
  • telephone/internet
  • water/wastewater connection for sanitary facilities
Manpower requirements (production only)
Shift Supervisor Persons 4 4 4
Deputy Shift Supervisor Persons 1 1 1
Worker Persons 5 5 15
Manpower requirement (total) Persons 10 10 20

In your financial planning, you should furthermore consider the following investments / costs:

  • social- and office building
  • appropriate storage areas for input and output
  • transport equipment (such as forklift trucks)
  • administrative personnel
  • launching cost (e.g. power consumed on site, salaries, and so on)
  • operating costs (e.g. consumables, maintenance, periodic review, and so on)
  • fees (e.g. for permits, customs duties)
  • costs of financing
  • contingencies / reserve

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!


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